B.K.V. '94
Belgische Kattenliefhebbers Vereniging '94 vzw
Koning Albertstraat 15
B - 2610 Wilrijk
Rekeningnummer: FORTIS BE07-001335114666
Send this form, together with you pedigree request, copies of
pedigree and title registration of both parents to:
Stamboeksecretariaat B.K.V.'94
Kris Flossie
Vosstraat 397
B - 2100 Antwerpen - Deuren
tel.: +32 (0) 3 218 53 85 - Email: kris@siamese.be
BEWARE***This form will only be processed , if the
owner of the sire, has send an e-mail (from his own account) to confirm the
If this is not possible, you'll have to use the printed form and send this (signed
by the owner of the sire) to the pedigree registration secretary..***
Click here for the PDF version of this document, if you wish to print it.
*** The copies of the pedigrees and title registrations, may be scanned and send to above e-mail address.