B.K.V. '94
Belgische Kattenliefhebbers Vereniging '94 vzw
Koning Albertstraat 15
B - 2610 Wilrijk
Rekeningnummer: FORTIS BE07-001335114666
send to stamboeksecretariaat BKV '94
Kris Flossie
Vosstraat 397
B - 2100 Deurne
tel.: +32 (0) 496 068 175
Email: stamboek@bkv94.be
- Please indicate with each kitten whether there is a breeding ban on money!!!
- Pedigree applications must be sent within 4 months of the birth of the litter.
- Please attach the following documents (by email if you submit the application online) to the application:
- Copies of the pedigrees of both parents
- proof of mating (available online), even if you are the owner of the stud
- copies of the title registrations of both parents.
- The cost price of € 14 per pedigree (nest after 4 months old € 20) must be paid in advance to account number: BE07-001335114666 in the name of BKV'94